Forest conservation platform that connects forest managers with forest guardians.

  • Illegal deforestation is a major problem worldwide and is causing forests to disappear at an alarming rate. While it is difficult to know exactly how much forest is illegally logged each year, an estimated 13 million hectares of forest are lost worldwide each year, much of it illegally.

    Illegal logging is a problem in many respects. First and foremost, biodiversity is being lost. Forests are home to more than 80% of terrestrial animal, plant and fungi species. Deforestation is leading to the rapid loss of these habitats. Deforestation not only affects biodiversity but also the soil. Trees stabilize the soil and protect it from erosion, while deforestation weakens this natural barrier, leading to soil erosion and reduced agricultural productivity.

  • It is important to highlight the negative impact on climate change. Forests are absorbers of carbon dioxide, absorbing around 30% of human CO2 emissions. Illegal deforestation releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming.

    The Forest rent platform invites companies and individual nature lovers to fight illegal logging. By paying a monthly conservation fee, we ensure that illegal logging, destruction of animal habitats, land erosion and the greenhouse effect are prevented.


Who We Are

Forestry professionals and individuals committed to combating deforestation have dedicated over three decades to the preservation of our natural environment. Their efforts focus on maintaining and restoring the ecological balance, aiming to safeguard the forests that are vital to sustaining biodiversity.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to put an end to deforestation worldwide by promoting sustainable solutions that consider the diverse interests of all parties involved. It's a win-win situation for forest owners and forest guardians.

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Our Goals

Our goals for the coming year. Together, we can achieve them, and in so doing, significantly reduce the irreversible damage we do to the environment.


Save 2000 ha of forest every year. This is equivalent to removing the annual carbon emissions of nearly 1 million gasoline-powered cars or planting about 5 million new trees annually.


Plant 60,000 trees every year. This is equivalent to offsetting the carbon emissions of around 13,000 cars annually or providing enough oxygen for 120,000 people to breathe for a year.


By planting 60,000 trees per year, you could potentially sequester approximately 1,320 metric tons of CO2 annually. This is roughly the same as recycling 460 tons of waste instead of sending it to a landfill.


If you choose not to log a 2000 ha forest, you could potentially save around 250 species. That’s equivalent to preserving the biodiversity of an entire tropical rainforest.